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This section is dedicated to the dataset used in the project. It is available on HuggingFace

Data gathering

All the data gathered here comes from the Riot Games API. I used a personal API key and the awesome pulsefire Python package.

  1. I collected all the SoloQ players in the EUW server in the evening of 9 April 2024.
  2. I randomly picked 100 players in each division, with at least 200 games played in the corresponding split. I assume that \(\sim\) 100 games are enough for the summoner to be near its true rank. (1) So I gathered the last 100 games played in SoloQ for each of these players.
  3. I collected the data for each of these games, and added each player's individual statistics provided by the MATCH-V5 API as an individual row in the dataset.
  1. La source

The following plot show the winrate of players in each division.

  • Winrate per division