Here I'll provide a few examples of how to use the dataset using polars
Load the dataset
Load the dataset from huggingface
and display all the available columns.
from datasets import load_dataset
df = load_dataset("renecotyfanboy/leagueData", split="train").to_polars()
Find the history of a player
puuid = 'your_puuid' # (1)!
historic_of_random_player = df.filter(
puuid=puuid, is_in_reference_sample=True # (2)!
is a validpuuid
indicates that we only keep the match history collected initially. Sometimes, the player can appear in the others matches, but for history analysis it would include matches that were not initially selected.
Lowest number of games
Remake games were removed from the dataset, so some players don't have 100 games. This is how we get the lowest number of game for a single player, which is 85.
from datasets import load_dataset
columns = ['elo', 'puuid', 'gameStartTimestamp', 'is_in_reference_sample', 'win']
df = load_dataset("renecotyfanboy/leagueData", split="train").select_columns(columns).to_polars()
df = df.filter(is_in_reference_sample=True)
number_of_games = []
for puuid in df['puuid'].unique():
player = df.filter(puuid=puuid)
History of the Gold III players
Display the history of Gold III players in the dataset as an image.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datasets import load_dataset
columns = ['elo', 'puuid', 'gameStartTimestamp', 'is_in_reference_sample', 'win']
df = load_dataset("renecotyfanboy/leagueData", split="train").select_columns(columns).to_polars()
df = df.filter(elo="GOLD_III", is_in_reference_sample=True)
history = []
for puuid in df['puuid'].unique():
player = df.filter(puuid=puuid)