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What's in this website?

This website is a collection of things I have done around data science and League of Legends. At the moment, it is mainly focused on the analysis I did around the (non-)existence of the LoserQ mechanism. As we would say in France, this work is "fait avec soin par mes petites mains", but I did my best to get a (near) peer review process by asking scientist friends of mine to proofread it.

LoserQ Infographic

LoserQ Infrographic

Who worked on this ?

  • renecotyfanboy, (Simon Dupourqué, PhD) : the author of this work. Working on statistical inference for X-ray spectra and for turbulence in galaxy clusters.

The following people are colleagues with whom I was fortunate enough to spend my Ph.D. years, and with whom I continue to work whenever possible. They have graciously given me their time to proofread this work, as reviewers would do for scientific journals.

  • Xan Astiasarain (PhD) : internal reviewer. Formerly worked on the generation of cosmic rays in the Cygnus region, using the Fermi space telescope gamma-ray observatory.
  • Alexei Molin (PhD student) : internal reviewer. Working around the characterization of future X-ray space observatory and calibrating its possibilities for new science.
  • Erwan Quintin (PhD) : internal reviewer. Working on statistical cross-matching of X-ray catalog to detect formerly unknown transient events.